
(EPIDEM.AE1) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-513-8
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About This Course

The Epidemiology course is designed for individuals interested in understanding the spread and impact of diseases on populations. This course typically covers the study of the distribution and determinants of health-related states or events in specified populations and the application of this study to the control of health problems. Whether you're a healthcare professional, researcher, or a curious mind seeking knowledge, this course offers a comprehensive exploration of epidemiology. Engage in thought-provoking lectures by seasoned epidemiologists, learn about real-world case studies, current research trends, and practical applications of epidemiological principles through this course.

Skills You’ll Get



  • About This Course
  • Icons Used in This Course
  • Where to Go from Here

Entering the World of Epidemiology

  • Introducing Epidemiology
  • Recognizing How Numbers Can Help Study Disease
  • Focusing on Prevention Rather Than a Cure
  • Delving into Study Finding
  • Figuring Out What You Know about Epidemiology: Some Q&As

Epidemiology 101 — Understanding the Basics

  • Defining Epidemiology — What to Expect from Your Coursework and Beyond
  • Realizing Why Epidemiology Is Important
  • Understanding How Epidemiology Tools Are Applied
  • Contrasting the Roles of a Physician and Epidemiologist
  • Seeking Medications
  • Considering How a Disease Is Transmitted
  • Searching for Sources of Epidemiologic Data

Exploring the Development of Epidemiological Thinking

  • Meeting Hippocrates — the First Epidemiologist
  • Tackling the Miasma Theory
  • Examining Contributions to Medicine and Public Health – Thomas Sydenham
  • Using Concepts of Environmental Epidemiology — Noah Webster
  • The Germ Theory — Washing Hands Is Essential
  • Working on Workers’ Diseases — Bernardino Ramazzini
  • The Birth of Vital Statistics: No Labor Pains Involved
  • Examining the Start of Epidemiology and Public Health in the United States
  • Reforming Public Health in England
  • Looking At Modern Epidemiology

Eyeing the Milestones in Public Health

  • Finding the Treatment of Scurvy — James Lind
  • Discovering Sources of Cholera in London’s Golden Square — John Snow
  • Uncovering Causes of Pellagra — Joseph Goldberger
  • Describing the 1918 Influenza Pandemic
  • Eradicating Smallpox
  • Finding Smoking as a Cause of Lung Cancer
  • Feeling the Beat of the Framingham Heart Study

Recognizing Diseases and Controlling Them

  • Identifying the Modes of Transmission
  • Eyeing the Chain of Infection: Can You Break It?
  • Examining the Natural History of Disease
  • Listing Common Notifiable Diseases
  • Controlling Waterborne Diseases
  • Tackling Problems of Airborne Infections
  • Curving Vector-Borne Diseases
  • Limiting Parasitic Infections
  • Controlling Sexually Transmitted Infections
  • Dealing With Emerging Infectious Diseases
  • Identifying Diseases Caused by Heavy Metals

Tackling the Epidemiologic Triangle

  • Scrutinizing an Acute Disease Model
  • Inspecting a Chronic Disease Model
  • Understanding How Climate Change Can Affect Health

Inspecting Descriptive Epidemiology: Person, Place, and Time

  • Knowing Person Factors
  • Focusing on Place Factors
  • Checking Time Factors

Viewing Disease Patterns

  • Defining the Epidemiologic Transition
  • Grasping Why Epidemiologic Transition Happens
  • Studying Some Chronic Health Conditions
  • Understanding How Epidemiologic Transition Affects Healthcare

Linking Demography and Disease

  • Defining Demography — Why It’s Important
  • Using Demographic Data to Identify Population at Risk
  • Tackling Population Pyramids: Not the Ones in Egypt
  • Projecting Population – Simple Math

Digging into Math: Calculating Rates and Risks

  • Addressing Some Basics When Calculating Descriptive Epidemiology
  • Calculating Crude Morbidity and Crude Mortality Rates
  • Figuring Out Commonly Used Rates
  • Measuring Incidence and Prevalence
  • Standardizing Rates

Focusing on the Levels of Prevention

  • Identifying Primary Prevention
  • Recognizing Secondary Prevention
  • Examining Tertiary Prevention

Preventing Disease with Vaccine

  • Getting the Lowdown on Immunity
  • Planning Shots for Children, from Birth through Adolescence
  • Looking Closer at Cancer-Preventing Vaccines
  • Identifying Common Vaccine-Preventable Diseases
  • Preventing Disease for World Travelers

Recognizing Methods of Disease Surveillance

  • Differentiating between Survey, Surveillance, and Monitoring
  • Defining the Types of Surveillance
  • Conducting Surveillance: The How-to

Investigating an Outbreak

  • Conducting an Epidemic Investigation
  • Digging Out Cases by Surveillance, Step-by-Step
  • Using Makeshift Hospitals
  • Walking through an Outbreak Investigation

Identifying Disease by Screening

  • Defining Screening
  • Naming Ingredients of a Good Screening Test
  • Looking Closer at Some Common Screening Programs
  • Evaluating Screening Tests

Figuring Out Whether an Association Is Causal

  • Establishing Causality
  • Understanding Hill’s Criteria for Causality
  • Making Rothman’s Causal Pie

Investigating the Types of Epidemiologic Studies

  • Looking At the Anatomy of Epidemiologic Studies
  • Conducting a Cross-Sectional Study
  • Plotting a Case-Control Study
  • Leading a Cohort Study
  • Figuring Out an Ecological Study
  • Developing a Questionnaire

Encountering Bias and Confounding

  • Defining Bias
  • Clarifying What Confounding Means
  • Reviewing Bias-Affecting Research Findings
  • Steering Clear of Bias in the Initial Stages of Research
  • Controlling for Confounders

Focusing On Ethics in Health Research

  • Comprehending the Evolution of Ethical Norms in Research
  • Grasping the Importance of a Code of Ethics
  • Using Informed Consent

Ten Careers with a Degree in Epidemiology

  • Epidemiologist
  • Environmental Epidemiologist
  • Surveillance Data Analyst and Epidemiologist
  • Infection Control Officer
  • Research Scientist
  • Research Associate
  • Data Analyst
  • Program Manager
  • Chief Medical/Quality Officer
  • Data and Research Coordinator

Ten Tips for Acing Your Epidemiology Classes

  • Ask and Answer Questions in Class
  • Practice, Practice, and Practice
  • Take Good Class Notes
  • Get Information Online
  • Apply the Knowledge
  • Make a Cheat Sheet
  • Use a Scientific Calculator
  • Memorize Some Definitions and Steps
  • Get Involved in Research
  • Participate in Group Work
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